Sterling Silver Tam A Ra Sha Reiki Pendant
Tam a Ra Sha is a symbol of the Reiki tradition and is used for grounding and removing energy blocks.
- Made of solid sterling silver with 925 hallmark stamp- Measures approximately 3/4 inches (2 cm)...

Sterling Silver Reiki Tam A Ra Sha Symbol Earrings
Tam a Ra Sha is a symbol of the Reiki tradition, and is used for grounding and removing energy blocks. - Made of .925 solid sterling silver- Measures approximately 9/16 inches (1.5 cm) in diameter-...

Sterling Silver Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Reiki Symbol Clip Charm
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a Reiki symbol which symbolizes being present in the Eternal Now, unfettered by constructs and ideas that fuel the illusion of separation. - Made of .925 solid sterling silver-...

Sterling Silver Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Reiki Pendant
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a symbol of the Reiki tradition and is used for sending healing energy from long distances.
- Made of solid sterling silver with 925 hallmark stamp- Measures approximately 3/4...

Sterling Silver Cho Ku Rei Reiki Power Symbol Clip Charm
Cho ku Rei is a Reiki symbol which represents the power of the universe and is used to direct and concentrate that power towards your aims. - Made of .925 solid sterling silver- Measures 1 1/8 inches...

Sterling Silver Sie Hei Ki Reiki Balance Symbol Clip Charm
Sei Hei Ki is a Reiki symbol which represents harmony and the healing of our mental and emotional being. - Made of .925 solid sterling silver- Measures 1 1/4 inches (3.1 cm) in length including clasp...

Sterling Silver Reiki Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol Earrings
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a symbol of the Reiki tradition, and is used for sending healing energy from long distances. - Made of .925 solid sterling silver- Measures approximately 3/16 inches (.5 cm)...

Sterling Silver Raven Clip Charm
For ages untold, ravens have been companions on the witch's path. They guard our deepest secrets and the potent magick we weave. These keen-eyed birds hold the keys to forgotten lore, messages from...

Sterling Silver Pentacle Clip Charm
The pentacle, a religious symbol of Wicca and pagan traditions. The symbol represents the four elements (earth, air, fire, water), with the top point representing Spirit. In magical application, it...