Sterling Silver Butterfly Pentacle Earrings
The pentacle in its upright position represents the Spirit in balance and harmony with the four elements.
- An original design by artist Paul Borda of Dryad Design- Made of .925 Solid Sterling...

Sterling Silver Raven Pentacle Stud Earrings
The raven swoops silently in the night sky. Raven?s dark ominous presence, guttural croaks and unearthly sounds are synonymous with power, fate and transformation within the occult. Few animals carry...

Sterling Silver Heart Pentacle Stud Earrings
The pentacle is the star that stays steady and on course. The crescents represent wisdom and intuition. The moon is constantly ebbing and flowing through process. As we move through life, through a...

Sterling Silver Wiccan Pentacle Post Stud Earrings
The pentacle is regarded as sacred geometry and a powerful protective symbol for thousands of years. Found within the design of Nature, from the five-petaled apple blossom to the...

Sterling Silver Crescent Moon Pentacle Stud Earrings
The Crescent Moon Pentacle shows the crescent or horned moon entwined with the pentacle. The pentacle is a symbol of Earth, Prosperity and Protection. The pentacle in its upright position represents...

Pentacle Earrings in Sterling Silver
For those seeking a powerful symbol of protection and spirituality, our sterling silver pentacle earrings are the perfect choice! For centuries, the pentacle has been a sacred symbol in Witchcraft...

Sterling Silver Pentacle Earrings
The pentacle has been worn as a powerful protection symbol for thousands of years. Associated in turn with magick and paganism. Its earliest connections were with worship of the Goddess, from whose...

Sterling Silver Faerie Pentacle Earrings
Celebrate the myth and magic of fairies with these unique earrings designed by Paul Borda of Dryad Design.
- An original design by artist Paul Borda of Dryad Design- Made of .925 Solid Sterling...

Raven Pentacle Earrings in Sterling Silver
For ages untold, ravens have been companions on the witch's path. They guard our deepest secrets and the potent magick we weave. These keen-eyed birds hold the keys to forgotten lore, messages from...