Silver Celestial Axe Pendant with Zodiac Symbols
This pendant features the wheel of the Zodiac upon an axe. Solid sterling silver.
- Made of .925 solid sterling silver- Measures approximately 2 inches (5 cm) tall by 3/4 inches (2 cm) wide- Single...

Sagittarius Zodiac Pendant Necklace
Embrace the Adventure: Sagittarius Zodiac Pendant Necklace Horoscope Jewelry
Sagittarius Necklace | Sagittarius Zodiac Necklace | Sagittarius Zodiac Pendant | Horoscope Jewelry | Zodiac Jewelry |...

Lotus Aum Pendant Om Symbol Necklace
Cultivate Peace and Enlightenment: Lotus Aum Pendant Om Necklace
Embrace profound spiritual symbolism with the Lotus and Aum Pendant Necklace. This captivating pendant features the Aum symbol, a...

Sterling Silver Aum Symbol Charm Pendant
The symbol AUM, or Om, is a sacred syllable in Hinduism used in prayers and mantras to evoke the concept of Brahman: the highest reality and consciousness. A similar syllable exists in Buddhism that...

Bronze Skadi Pendant
Skadi is a goddess in Norse mythology, associated with hunting, the winter season and its associated sports. She's depicted on skis wearing an animal skin and holding her bow at the ready. The runic...

Bronze Heimdall Pendant
Heimdall stands guard at Bifrost, the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard, the world of the gods, to Midgard, the world of humans. Ever watchful for any threat, Heimdall has the sharpest eyesight and...

Bronze Thor Pendant
Thor, a Norse God, created thunder by striking his great hammer Mjollner. He protected the house of the Gods and humankind. The runes around the base are an invocation of Thor's protection and read;...

Bronze Morrigan Pendant
Morrigan, translated as "Phantom Queen," is an awesome Battle Goddess. Here she is depicted in one of her stories thru the eyes of Cuchulain, who is roused from sleep hearing a great cry and leaps up...

Bronze Brigid Pendant
Brigid, one of the most popular Celtic Goddesses is a vast deity and can assist her devotees with nearly any endeavor. She is depicted here as the three sisters or three of the many aspects of this...